On-demand scientific information thanks to our personalized monitoring services

Tailor-made tools for excellent scientific intelligence. Make the most of scientific information with our artificial intelligence solutions.

Team Of Scientists

Team Of Scientists

Expert researchers with many years' experience in public scientific research and innovation in private companies to meet your requirements.

Innovative solution

Innovative solution

Opscidia pushes the boundaries of innovation with revolutionary AI technologies.

AI-powered platform

AI-powered platform

Vous n'avez pas le temps d'utiliser notre app ? Nous le faisons pour vous et vous apportons la valeur.

How Opscidia Solved Specific Challenges!​

Faced with complex problems of access to scientific information, leading companies in their sector have put their trust in our expertise in science and artificial intelligence to improve their access to strategic scientific information.

Specific Development of a Semantic Module 

to facilitate scientific knowledge management within Veolia.


Veolia's innovation teams.

Ontology Generator 

to detect scientific subjects within a textual corpus without a preexisting ontology.

Open Air

Research data repository funded by the European Commission.

Phytosanitary Threat Detection

To automate international phytosanitary monitoring using scientific and agricultural publications.


Team working on phytosanitary threat monitoring.

Weak Signal Detector 

to help detect emerging technological concepts for funding the most innovative projects.

European Commission

Team responsible for financing innovative projects.

Science Checker

to combat scientific fake news.

Fondation Viecth

Opscidia won a project call.

Medical Watch Support

improving documentary surveillance for comprehensive coverage and effective retrieval.


Experts from the French Blood Establishment.

Our AI Expertise

As NLP experts, we leverage the capabilities of language models to efficiently analyze and synthesize complex information.

As experts in NLP, we harness the capabilities of language models to efficiently analyze and synthesize complex information.

Opscidia excels in tackling the challenges posed by large language models, ensuring the quality, reliability, and relevance of the results.

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