
Creating Your JEI File on Your Own - Young Innovative Company

A JEI (Young Innovative Company) file is a document for French startups seeking to benefit from JEI status. This status offers significant tax and social advantages to eligible companies.

The file details the company’s R&D activities, its financial structure, and demonstrates that it meets the eligibility criteria. These criteria include a certain percentage of R&D expenses and financial independence.


1. Identify your project's problem statement

Your Startup has the potential to transform your sector? Excellent news, you could be eligible for Young Innovative Company (JEI) status.


To start creating your file, clearly understanding the problem your solution addresses is essential. Clearly define the needs you’re responding to and the expected impact of your innovation.


Here are 5 tips for writing the problem identification section in a JEI file:

Describe the problem concretely and with figures (market size, induced costs, etc.)

Analyze the limitations of existing solutions and their shortcomings

Present your innovative solution and its differentiating advantages

Quantify the expected benefits and impact of your innovation

2. Define the objectives and purpose

Why does your project exist? What concrete objectives do you want to achieve? Formulate your purpose in a few impactful sentences. Your objectives should be realistic, measurable, and in line with market expectations. This step will help you structure your file coherently.


Here are 5 tips for writing the objectives and purpose definition section in a JEI file:

Formulate your purpose in a few impactful sentences

Define realistic, measurable objectives in line with the market

Link your objectives to the identified problem and your innovative solution

Structure your objectives (short/medium/long term, main/secondary, etc.)

3. Determine the results and ROI

When studying your JEI file, ROI is an essential KPI. Quantify the expected results and calculate the projected return on investment (ROI). Don’t forget to support your projections with reliable data from your market studies.


Here are 5 tips for writing the results and ROI determination section in a JEI file:

Quantify the expected financial results (revenue, profits, etc.)

Calculate the projected return on investment (ROI)

Support with reliable data from market studies

Compare to current performance and competition

Present projections over several years

4. Conduct essential studies

Your market and technical/financial feasibility studies are key to the viability of your JEI file. Analyze the competition, size your target, validate feasibility, and prepare a solid business plan.

Here are 5 tips for writing the essential studies section in a JEI file:

Provide a detailed market study (size, segmentation, trends)

Analyze the competitive environment in depth

Demonstrate the technical feasibility of your innovative solution

Conduct a robust financial profitability study

Integrate these studies into a comprehensive business plan

5. Identify stakeholders

Who are the key players for the success of your project? Investors, R&D partners, customers, pilots… List them and describe their strategic role. Their involvement strengthens the credibility of your JEI file.

Here are 5 tips for writing the stakeholder identification section in a JEI file:

List all key players (investors, R&D partners, pilot customers, etc.)

Describe their strategic role and involvement in the project

Quantify their contributions (financial, technical, commercial, etc.)

6.Opscidia: the AI expert at half price

Creating a complete JEI file represents a significant challenge for the young entrepreneur. Fortunately, Opscidia offers you its expertise in artificial intelligence to automate a large part of the process, at an unbeatable price.


Thanks to our AI solution, get your turnkey JEI file for an average of €2,000 instead of €4,000 at traditional firms! Benefit from substantial time savings and economies, without compromising on quality.

Convinced? Request a free quote on our website now!


How we use AI to accelerate the creation of a JEI file